IF YOU NEED IMMEDIATE HELP FOR AN UNPLANNED PREGNANCY, type: https://optionline.org/ in your browser, CALL 1-800-712-4357 or select one of our local partners below
At Heartbeat we offer the opportunity to get beyond the unexpected and to see the solution, by educating and helping enable each woman to carry her child to term and plan constructively for the family's future, throughout Ottawa County.
Abigail Pregnancy Services focuses on helping women & men make informed pregnancy decisions and supporting them in many ways through their birthing process and early years. we always strive to educate women about their options, provide encouragement and support with many resources, and empower them with confidence in taking the next steps of their pregnancy or raising their little one. Post abortive counseling and fatherhood ministries too.
The mission of Spirit of Faith Adoptions is to provide Christ-centered adoption services, including education and awareness. We offer grace, compassion, and support to biological parents, adoptive families, and adoptees as they navigate the lifelong journey of adoption.
Helping You Navigate the Journey of Open Adoption | Spirit of Faith Adoptions
It’s normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one’s heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness. You are not alone…
So many men with abortions in their past may often feel deep shame, regret, loss, or despair. Abortion goes against a man’s instinct to protect and provide. It is a deep wound that affects his very identity.
The good news is that hope and healing are available to all who have suffered from abortion.
Our nearby partner , Erie County Right to Life is very active in advocacy and support of local pregnancy centers. We often work together , march together and attend each other's fund raisers. Their annual Prayer Brunch is one of our favorites.
There is much to see here. Take your time and look around!
Founded in 2017, we are an organization of pro-life groups in Ohio that stand united to advance a pro-life strategy in our state and beyond, with protections for all and exceptions for none.
Safeguarding the Right to Life in Culture and Law
The mission of Ohio Right to Life is to promote and defend the right to life of all innocent human beings, from the time of fertilization until natural death.
One of the Strongest and largest Ohio RTL advocacy and education organizations. Their Bring America Back to Life conference each March is well worth attending.
Annunciation Radio is a Catholic media apostolate. In response to God’s call, our mission is to proclaim the truth in love. Our goals are to evangelize, educate, and encourage God’s people through the use of broadcast and other media.
Want another source for support services in the Greater Toledo area to help with life decisions and address concerns?
419Life has basic information on a number of area resources available to assist you with food sources, housing, ultrasound/obgyn services and others for free or at a discount. 419LIFE.org
Love the Woman, the Child, and Those Who Differ. Equally. Every Moment. Every Conversation.
Healing the Culture is an international leader in pro-life advocacy, delivering respect life education to millions of people in the United States and around the world. We promote the ethical and just treatment of unborn children and their mothers, terminally ill persons, and persons with disabilities, by advancing universal principles of logic, ethics, and justice.
The “Theology of the Body” is St. John Paul II's integrated vision of the human person. The human body has a specific meaning, making visible an invisible reality, and is capable of revealing answers regarding fundamental questions about us and our lives.