Jan 19, 2025 in Port Clinton 120 Maple Street at 4pm.
Always the third Wednesday of the month.
This month we will be discussing our 501(c)3 process progress in becoming a stand alone non-profit under our new name and address.
Sunday January 26, 2025 at 1pm
(corner of Jefferson and Perry Street)
Join in prayer and public witness to end abortion
Be a voice for the voiceless.
Join us in the march or, if unable, meet us at the Denny Bergeman Hall 109 E Perry Street at 1:30 or so for fellowship.
Sponsored by Respect Life Ministry of Ottawa County & Ottawa County Pregnancy Services
Over the past 52 years, the March for Life has collectively united millions of pro-life Americans from every age, background, nationality, and faith with a common purpose: to witness the inherent dignity and worth of every single human life, especially those endangered by abortion. The March’s powerful presence in the nation’s capital every January has demonstrated the seriousness, conviction, and permanence of the movement. It has also helped educate Americans about the beauty of the lives of unborn children and their mothers so that a majority of Americans now support protections for life in the womb at least by the time a baby can feel the pain of an abortion.
Abigail Pregnancy Services is a full medical facility in Norwalk, OH with a satellite in Willard, OH.
Learn more now by contacting our volunteer coordinator at ministrydirabigail@gmail.com or calling (419) 668-9500